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About the 2nd Panzer Division

2nd Panzer Division


"Nicht Kleckern, Sondern Klotzen!"

"Don't tickle them, Smash them!"

~Heinz Guderian


Welcome to the 2nd Panzer Division website. We are a Clan dedicated to the World of Tanks Online game. As a whole, we have a love of tanks, and (big surprise) a love of German Armor, and World War II history. We are however, completely open to other nationalities, as we fully comprehend the realities of the World of Tanks universe.

We have 4 overriding principles.... Golden Rules if you will. We have practiced these and know from experience these are the only way we have found to have a healthy and successful clan.

Firstly, to have fun! Several of us have known and gamed together for over 25 years, and have used this idea as the most important element for success and comfort. We live by the credo "If it isn't fun, don't do it." The surest way to drudgery and burn-out is for a game to become more a job than a game.

The second rule is "No Drama". It won't be tolerated. A certain amount is sure to arise, because of actions outside the clan. We can't help that. But people who pot-stir within the clan won't be tolerated. Few things will unravel the fabric of a family faster. 

The third rule is we lead by example, not because we have a title by our name. You will find your voice will be heard as much as an "officers". No one person has a monopoly on good ideas. Furthermore, the deliberations and decisions of the officers and membership will be transparent.

The, the last, and perhaps most important is, we stand by each other. Brothers in Arms. Shoulder to shoulder. Komraden to the end. Do not dishonor your bretheren or your home by word or deed.  Be gracious to your foes, help the new or uneducated if you can. But we do not suffer fools or the arrogance of others. 

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